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Empowered Action

A Creative Practice to Help You Discern How to Make a Difference in These Times

a Virtual Creative Process Workshop

April 17, 2025 from 4-6 pm CSD

Upon Registration, participants will receive more details about supplies for the workshop.

Workshop Facilitated by Beth Berila

What You WIll Need:

  • Two hours of uninterrupted time

  • A willingness to turn inward to inform skillful outer action.

  • An openness to play and explore. No artistic skill or experience needed.

  • An electronic device on which to watch the workshop.

  • 15-20 images from magazines or online, a page of mixed-media paper, scissors and glue, and any other art supplies you like to use. (Upon registration, I will send more information about any supplies you will need).

  • An energy of connection and commitment to a better world.

Cultivate TRUST in what you can do.

Develop a plan for Empowered Action.

You have the wisdom you need and GIFTS the WOrld Needs.

This creative, interactive workshop will help you access them.

Discover How Your Gifts Are Needed in our World

Have you felt called to DO SOMETHING in the face of the attacks on our communities and on democracy, but don’t know how to help?

This workshop is designed to help you access your deep knowing about what you can do, what specifically YOU can offer to help your communities.

Ritual & Community & Creative Process & Group Coaching & Mindfulness Practice & Dialogue

Ritual & Community & Creative Process & Group Coaching & Mindfulness Practice & Dialogue

A guided creative process in community that will support you in accessing your deep knowing about what you can contribute to your community in these challenging times.

Trust your YES.

What you’ll Experience

Beth seated on teal chair, photo credit.jpg

About Beth

I am with you in rage and despair at the current harm happening in the world, alongside wondering what we can do to stop it.

Fortunately, I also have decades of Social Justice experience to shape my inights into how we can make a difference.

I also have years of mindfulness and yoga practice to help me sit with and understand the range of emotions I am feeling. These practices help me allow the emotions to move through me and become more skillfully responsive rather than reactive.

As a JourneyCircles™ Facilitator, I will support you in engaging the creative process so as to access your own deep wisdom that will help empower your skillful action.

This workshop is for you IF…..

This workshop is NOT for you IF…..

Enroll Now

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Limited Time Only

Special Sustainer Rate
One time

Supports you and others.

Special Supporter Rate
One time

Pays for you.

Special Community Rate
One time

A community supported rate.

Plus tax. You will be prompted at checkout to enter a code for sliding scale rates. If none of these rates are accessible to you at this time, please Email me (at bethberila@bethberila.com) to inquire about scholarships.

Note: The workshop will be recorded. All registered participants will receive a copy of the recording. The recording may also be sold in the future as part of other offerings. Registering serves as consent to be recorded.

Note: ALL purchases are final. No refunds.

A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the TRansgender Law Center.

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