beth berila’s media kit

Learn more about me and my efforts to help create a more equitable world.

In this media kit, you’ll get additional details about my background and experience, speaker appearances, workshops, and more.

About Me

I embarked on my own transformational journey many years ago. It has been a rich, amazing, and often challenging path. As someone who is both marginalized and privileged, I understand the importance of healing from the harmful impacts of oppression while also accounting for and dismantling my complicity in privilege. Your lived experience will be different from mine, but this insight can help us learn to traverse these parallel and intersecting paths with grace and rigour. 

I am committed to living joyfully and with integrity. To always asking myself, “who do I want to be in this situation?” and doing my best to live and lead in alignment with those values. And pausing to notice the magic in everyday life. (Yes, I did host a fairy garden in my yard for many years. It was interactive for the kids, adults, puppies, and magical beings in the neighborhood.)

Beth Berila, Ph.D. is a Transformational Leadership & Life Coach, a Dynamic Workshop Facilitator, a Somatic Healer, and a Belonging-Focused Organizational Development Consultant.

She is also the Director of the Gender & Women’s Studies Program and Full Professor in the Ethnic, Gender, & Women’s Studies Department, St. Cloud State University, where she teaches courses in Feminist Leadership, Feminist Theory, and other inspiring topics.

Official Bio

Beth integrates a blend of mindfulness, somatics, systemic constellations, expressive arts, liberatory education, and transformational leadership approaches as she supports clients to navigate edge spaces and co-create individual and collective liberation. She has earned her 500-hour Yoga Teacher Training certification and is a long-time yoga and mindfulness practitioner.

Beth has facilitated Anti-Racism and equity training and workshops in a variety of contexts. She has served as a consultant in transforming organizations toward Anti-Racism vision and practice.

She also offers group and individual coaching in embodied leadership, belonging, and inclusion. She speaks widely on these topics. Check out her TedxStCloud talk,  The Unexpected Bridge to Connection.

Her most recent book, the second edition of Integrating Mindfulness into Anti-Oppression Pedagogy: Social Justice in Higher Education, was published by Routledge in December 2023.  Beth is also the host of ChangeMaking Connections podcast, which delves into the intricacies of sparking change, from personal evolutions to communal shifts.

Her previous book, Radiating Feminism: Resilience Practices to Transform Our Inner & Outer Lives (Routledge 2020), was designed to support change-makers to more skillfully navigate the complex journey of living their political values. Her first book, Integrating Mindfulness into Anti-Oppression Pedagogy: Social Justice in Higher Education, was published by Routledge in 2016.  She co-edited Yoga, the Body, and Embodied Social Change: An Intersectional Feminist Analysis, with Melanie Klein and Chelsea Jackson Roberts, Ph.D. (Rowman & Littlefield, 2016). She has partnered with Off the Mat, Into the World and the Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education. Her current projects merge somatics, mindfulness, social justice leadership, and transformational coaching to create a form of socially engaged embodied leadership.

Beth is trained as a Leadership Challenge Coach & Facilitator and can administer the 360 Assessment tool. She is also certified in the EQ-1 2.0 and EQ-i 360 tool.

Beth has completed numerous additional trainings and/or certifications, including:

Somatics: Generative Somatics T1 & T2, Somatic Experiencing (Beginning & Intermediate Levels), Power of Embodied Transformation (Coaches Rising), Strozzi somatic body work and other courses.

Coaching: Deep Coaching Intensive (The Center for Transformational Coaching); Coacharya’s Coaching Foundation course (Ontology); Coacharya’s Group Coaching Training, Center for Holding Space Holding Space Foundation Program.

Yoga: Accessible Yoga Teacher Training, Adaptive Yoga Teacher Training I & II (Mind Body Solutions); Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher Training (Firefly Yoga International); Restorative Yoga, 340-hour Yoga and Ayurveda Specialist Training with Devanadi Yoga, 200-hour yoga teacher training with Kirk Yoga, Curvy Yoga training


I am available to offer these workshops (or talks) for your organization or university. 

Other workshops include:

  • Leading from Purpose.

  • Finding your Purpose and Passion.

  • Preventing Burnout, Leading Sustainably.

  • Leading with Wholeness.

  • Cultivating Belonging.

or invite me to speak on any of the following topics:

  • Interrupting Bias

  • Becoming More Equitable Leaders

  • How We Can Access Our Wholeness Into Our Daily Lives and Work

  • How Authentic Belonging Enhances Our Organizations

  • Empowered, Embodied Leadership

  • Embodying Social Change

  • Yoga and Social Justice

  • Mindfulness as a Practice of Social Change

  • Feminist Leadership

  • Becoming Social Change Agents

  • Resilience and Sustainability in Social Change Work

  • Mindful Leadership

  • Unlearning Limiting Ways of Being

  • Disrupting Privilege

  • Intersectional Feminism

  • Mindfulness and Preventing Burnout

  • Facilitating Anti-Racist, Feminist, Queer Leadership on Campus

  • Other ideas? Let’s talk!

connect with beth

connect with beth

Complete the form below if you are interested in working together.